Internet Explorer 8 RC1 Admin Kit (IEAK) – now available for download

ie8_h2_rgb The Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) 8 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) simplifies the creation, deployment and management of customized Internet Explorer 8 packages. IEAK 8 can be used to configure the out-of-box Internet Explorer 8 experience or to manage user settings after Internet Explorer 8 deployment.

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Checkout the video David Tesar shot with Jatinder Mann, the IEAK Program Manager.  He gives us insight behind the new Internet Explorer Administration Kit 8 (IEAK 8) and then shows a screencast/demo explaining the new features.  Jatinder is the program manager in charge of all of the great features IT Pros get with IE.  IE offers IT Pros controls which no other browsers on the market can match, such as customizing the deployment with IEAK and locking down features and settings with over 1300 group policies.  Jatinder gives some context as to when you might use IEAK vs IEM and group policy, why an IT Pro should care about IEAK, and explains the new configuration options for IEAK 8.

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