Pick the brains of the Vista Backup team

You should sooo take advantage of this opportunity.  The team that brings you Backup, Complete PC and other goodies to Windows Vista is having a chat in a few weeks on 7/10/2007. See https://blogs.technet.com/filecab/archive/2007/06/07/mark-your-july-calendars-upcoming-chats-on-backup-recovery-and-offline-files-in-windows-vista.aspx for their post on the matter.

Here are my questions for the chat (in no certain priority order):

  1. How do I secure the .vhd created by Complete PC ?
  2. How do I restore a specific file?
  3. How do I restore a hard drive signature so that a Complete PC restore doesn't require me to burn another activation when restoring to a new hard drive?
  4. How do I do Complete PC backups from multiple machines to the same external hard drive ?
  5. Is it possible to create a bootable restore disk that will run unattended?
  6. How do I create a restore that is hardware agnostic?

That ought to get things going.