Outlook: Your quick 'n dirty WYSIWIG HTML editor

I often need to write short 'n sweet little HTML docs explaining things, that I then upload to a sharepoint server for sharing with my team. I like using HTML because the documents are small, should load quickly in the browser and shouldn't require loading any other applications.

In these cases, I don't need to do anything fancy I don't like starting another application for such a quick purpose; I just want a very simple WYSIWIG editor. Outlook to the rescue. You can save HTML email in Outlook, but it adds the To/Cc/Bcc fields to the HTML, which are ugly if all you want is the content from the body... but if those fields are blank, that's not a problem:

1. Create a new HTML message (not using word as the editor ;-)
2. Add the desired HTML to the body
3. File | Save As and save it as HTML

When the To/Cc/Bcc fields on the message are blank, it won't include them in the HTML file. So you get just the body of the “message“.

And with the more recent versions of Outlook, you can save directly from the mail to your sharepoint server. Just enter the URL to your sharepoint site in the Save As dialog and Outlook will connect to it and show you the list of document libraries.