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Custom performance report with threshold line

I recently had a need to create an OpsMgr report to show performance data with a "threshold" line, so that it would be easy to see data points that went over a defined threshold.  We can't do this with the built-in generic performance report, so I put together this one:imageimage

The following parameters are available in the report:

Start Date / End Date
Time range that we are interested in.

Object Name
Select the performance object that you are interested in.  This is populated by the objects in the vPerformnaceRule view in the Data Warehouse database.

Counter Name
Select the counter that you are interested in.  This is populated by the counters in the vPerformanceRule view, based on the Object that was selected.

Select the computers that you are interested in.  This is populated with a list of computers that have data in the Data Warehouse for the performance object that was selected.

Threshold Line
Optional.  Enter a value for the threshold.  A red line will be drawn at this value on the chart, and any data point above this value will be labeled with the computer name and the value for the data point.

Min / Max Sale Value
Optional.  This is the minimum and maximum values to for the "Value" axis on the chart.  If not defined, these will be calculated based on the values of the data returned.

Data Type
Select the data set to use from the Data Warehouse....options are "Hourly" (hourly average of the data points), "Daily" (daily average of the data points), and "Raw" (all data points).

I don't have the cool time zone selector in this report, so you'll need to enter the GMT offset for the time zone that the data should be converted to (data in the Data Warehouse is stored in GMT time).  For example, if the computers you are interested in are in New York (Eastern Time), you would enter "-5" (without the quotes).

Report Title
Enter a title for the report



  • This re.port will not work correctly if run directly in SQL Reporting Services, it must be run from the OpsMgr Console.
  • I haven't tested this with all perf counters, so some may not look too pretty in this chart
  • After importing the report into SRS, you'll need to fix the data source to point to your "Date Warehouse Main" data source......I'll soon post a blog on how to add reports to a management pack so this can be avoided.

Perf Chart with Threshold Line.rdl