VSMT cscript error 0xc0000008 at DeployVM.cmd stage

While setting up for the roadshows and my VSMT migration, during testing I was getting occasional popups (1 in 5 times maybe) during the DeployVM stage from CScript indicating error 0xc0000008. This also happened last Friday when I was setting up the new NT4 server for my TechEd Europe demonstration. Strangely though, this has never (yet) occurred while I'm doing the migration in front of an audience.

Every time I've seen this popup (sorry, don't have a screenshot available), I've clicked OK (no choice but to) and the script continues as expected, and the full migration runs to completion. Because of never having seen a failure, I've always ignored it and never investigated further. It was interesting to note from an internal discussion group that this is apparently a known bug which doesn't affect the migration process. Useful to know if you ever see this.