It's time for the 72 Hour Conversation...

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Well Mix 07 is on again in Las Vegas this year at the end of April. 

Geared toward Web developers, designers, online advertising professionals and a broad set of partners and customers, MIX will continue to explore how to build more interactive and responsive experiences that take full advantage of the capabilities of the Web. MIX will also be an opportunity to dive deeper into Microsoft’s Web technology offerings and discover ways to create more dynamic customer connections that take user experience to the next level. Again this year, the event will be held in Las Vegas from April 30th to May 2nd, at the Venetian Hotel. More information can be found at the official MIX site at


The price for MIX is $1195 USD, but if you register before March 15th you'll get a special discounted price of $995



Cheers, Jeffa