On my way to Seattle

Well its that time of year again where all us Microsoft geeks make the annual trek north to Seattle for the big geek fest technical conference.  In days gone by its been called MTB; Envision and others.  But now its Techready.  This event is now run twice each year and I always opt for the July because the weather in Seattle is always nice this time of year.  Plus I'm a mad golfer and I always bring my sticks with me.

So the plan is to get to as many technical sessions as I can and catch up with some of my speakers for Teched 2006.  And of course a couple of games of golf on the weekend as well.

So as I sign off for the long 14 hour flight I'm going to leave you with 2 things.  First if you haven't heard already we have made available Teched Meego's.  What are these you ask?  They are little dynamic picture you can use for Windows Live Messenger.  You can get yours at https://www.microsoft.com/australia/teched2006/  I've already got mine which is below!  So if you are attending Teched 2006 in Sydney then get a Meego and join in the fun!

Pretty cool huh?  Do you think it looks like me?

And I got a new gadget to play with.  I bought myself a Creative Vision M and so far I have to say it rocks.  I'm looking forward to playing with it on the plane.

This is it!  They didn't have any other colour in stock but who cares if it looks like an Ipod!

So until I reach Seattle Ciao Bella!
