A couple of Virtualization links

Over on the Virtualization blog Taylor Brown has posted some PowerShell examples.  The first one on Mapping Worker process IDs to VMs wasn't that interesting (to me) in itself, but was a sign of interesting things to come, and the next one on creating VHDs was a covering ground I'd gone over (here). The third one is on key/value pairs and it's worth taking a moment to explain these. Put very simply when you install the Hyper V-Integration components there is more than just the drivers for an Integrated mouse, faster display, disk and network. There's a shutdown component (which I talked about here) - this allows the Parent partition to tell a child "start a proper OS shutdown; and there's a Key Value Pair (KVP) exchange component. This allows the child to say to the parent "I'm running Server 2008 SP1" or the parent to pass information to the child -and do so in a "clean" way.

Taylor asks what else readers might be interested in, so Taylor, if you're reading this. YES please show us how we can add Key/Value pairs, at either end and also show how we can read them in the child.  
And if you're looking for ideas, I'd like to see how you can set the Virtual System Global Setting Data items like Automatic Startup Action and Automatic Shutdown Action.

While we're looking at links , I mentioned that SCVMM V2 beta is available for download, there's a lot of information about the new version on the SCVMM home page.