Windows Server Virtualization beta availability (soon !)

I've got to admire my colleague Rick Claus over on the Canadian IT pro blog. See, While I don't have time to read my own company's press releases, Rick manages to do his job and read them. He read this one and found a quote from Larry Orecklin (Larry is General Manager for System Center and I to linked him a few days ago). Heres what Larry says:

This week at VMworld we’re announcing that the Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Windows Server virtualization is coming soon with the initial release candidate of Windows Server 2008

Now I can't tell you when that intial RC will be (I'll stick to Larry's "soon"). I can see lots of people installing the RC and search for the "WSV" and the like to find the bits.

How do you get the RC? You're a technet or MSDN subscriber aren't you ? If not you don't need the RC :-)  But it should be available via beta central

Technorati tags: Windows Server Virtualization, Windows Server 2008, Longhorn, Virtual Server, beta