Wanna see what Silverlight video streaming can do ?

Eileen mentioned on her blog that the New Zealand tech-ed folk had posted their keynote in Silverlight.

But with the Greatest respect to the presenters, they don't have the don't have the punch of these Halo 3 videos. One of them is pretty violent - maybe not the thing to watch with the kids around.  I don't know how adaptive silverlight streaming is because this seems to use a lot of CPU and a lot of network. But it's 840x470 resolution, fantastic sound, and I could seek around the movie quicker than DVD players that I'm used to.  And did I say it was Halo 3 ?

I've been playing Halo on my Xbox 360 because I don't think anything has beaten it's combination of detail, playability and story. And the flood still scare me. Halo-2's opening sales not only beat any video game, but also any book, movie or album. Multiplayer Halo 2 on X-box live was simply fantastic, but although the game looks and sounds even better than the original, it didn't have an episode I wanted to play again and again and again like  "The Silent Cartographer" or "Assault on the control room" levels in the original. The collectors edition DVD suggested they had trouble with the story elements, but the videos for 3 suggest they've got the story sorted. If it looks this as good as the videos and the story is a closer to episode I'm going to be tied to my console ...

Technorati tags: Halo3, xbox 360