Upgrade MSDE to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Why the heck are you still running MSDE when you can use SQL Server 2005 Express Edition? 

For those of you how don't know MSDE, it is the free lightweight version of SQL Server 2000 which developers typically use to build applications on.  It's good because it provides a local SQL Server 2000 database engine so developers can play around with local copies before uploading changes to a testing or staging environment.  Its limitations are that it is purely a database engine with no management tools or easy way to manage the database, and it also has a maximum size of 2GB. Top reasons to upgrade:

  • Increased DB Size to 4GB
  • Removal of workload governor
  • Better integration with Visual Studio
  • Free integrated Management Tool; SQL Server Management Studio Express
  • SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
  • MSDE will not be supported on Vista
  • Mainstream support for MSDE stops after Q1 2008
  • No new MSDE redistributables after June 30th 2007
  • It's free!

Find out why you should be upgrading here.  So what are you waiting for? Download SQL Server 2005 Express here!