Disponibile la beta di System Management Server 2003 R2

E' stata annunciata la disponibilità della Beta pubblica di System Management Server 2003 R2.

Le informazioni per partecipare al programma di Beta pubblico sono disponibili alla pagina http://www.microsoft.com/smserver/evaluation/2003/r2.mspx .

La press release invece è disponibile alla pagina http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2006/feb06/02-21SMS.mspx .

Interessanti in particolari due funzionalità:

"...This R2 release includes the new Inventory Tool for Custom Updates (ITCU) , which allows businesses to automate deployment of updates for third-party and line-of-business (LOB) applications with SMS 2003.
This release also includes the Enterprise Scan Tool for Vulnerability Assessment, which checks desktops and servers for numerous software configuration errors and other security vulnerabilities. (...) Not only does it check for the 100 most common settings that lead to potential vulnerabilities, it allows the administrator to pro-actively discover changes without accessing individual systems or manually reviewing these setting..."


  Renato Francesco Giorgini
Evangelist - IT Pro
Microsoft Italia