Jan 9 - Jan 15 Hot-Fix Weekly Release - Windows Server

Windows Server 2003

  • 946438 Error message when you use the "ypcat" command to query a group map on a Windows Server 2003 R2-based computer that has Identity Management for UNIX installed: "yp error"
  • 945219 The Reg.exe utility in Windows Server 2003 unexpectedly returns the REG_SZ registry type for registry values in the REG_EXPAND_SZ type

       REG_EXPAND_SZ is a null-terminated string that contains unexpanded references to environment variables. (For example, %PATH% is one such environment variable.) Whether REG_EXPAND_SZ becomes a Unicode string or an ANSI string depends on whether you use the Unicode or ANSI functions. You can use the ExpandEnvironmentStrings function to expand the environment variable references.

      The issue may cause function failure of your scripts or applications if you use the reg.exe utility to query registry key with the REG_EXPAND_SZ type.

  • 940202 A Windows Server 2003-based computer may stop responding during shutdown after you install the Scalable Networking Pack

Windows Server 2008

943070 Authentication may fail, or you may receive an 807 error or a 691 error, when you try to connect to the Network Policy Server on a Windows Server 2008-based server