Highest form of flattery

Recognition and buzz around the home server (lower case) category continue to grow.  Interesting to see this story last week in which Sony CEO Howard Stringer says one of Playstation's personas is as a home server.

If you haven't seen it yet, the official Microsoft.com Windows Home Server home page is up and running.  HP also has a preliminary "coming soon" site for MediaSmart Server.

Steve Wiseman over at IntelliAdmin adds to the growing number of Home Server reviews.  He starts his 3-part walk-through of the product saying he was skeptical at first, but "so far it is the perfect balance between simplicity and the needs of the user." 

Robert McLaws at Windows Now details how he built his Home Server system for under $500.  McLaws calls himself an online pundit who's barely old enough to buy alcohol.  Home Server definitely has its fans within Generation Y.   The other day I had the pleasure of meeting one of the top non-MS moderators on the Home Server Forum.  He's all of 15 years old.

Enjoy the weekend.  Spring has sprung in Redmond.