Автоматическая публикация на блогах...

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  1. ?????? ??????? (??. ????) ?????? ???????????
  2. ???? ????? ?????????? ? base64, ???? ??????? ???????????? ???? ????? ????
  3. ???? ? ????????, ?? ????? ????????? ??????? Content-Type: text/xml
  4. ?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ? ???? ???????-???????? ???? ? ??? ??, ? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ????????????.
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import httplib
import base64

def publishPost(title, time, descr):
                descr = base64.b64encode(descr)
                body1 = """
                <?xml version="1.0"?>
                body2 = """</value></member>
                body3 = """</base64></value></member>
                body4 = """</value></member>
                body = body1 + title + body2 + descr + body3 + time + body4
                print body

                conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("www.YourSite.com")
                headers = {"Content-Type": "text/xml"}
                conn.request("POST", "/path-to-xml-rpc-end-point/xmlrpc.php", body, headers)
                res = conn.getresponse()

                # Just to see what's the result
                print "Status: " + str(res.status)
                print "Headers: "
                print res.getheaders()
                print "Body: "
                print res.read()

publishPost("My test tile", "date-time-in-right-format", "My test body")

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