Throwing your own eggs at Steve

Some people seem to have far too much time on their hands, so it was only a matter of time before someone created a game where you could throw virtual eggs at Steve Ballmer!  So, with reference to the recent incident in Hungary, you can either play as Steve or as the person throwing the eggs.  Go try it out here if you have some time to kill.

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I have to say though, that when you play as Steve the rapid fire of the egg thrower makes it almost impossible to keep your suit clean!  Also, it does not help to just cower under the table as you get pushed back into the line of fire.

Call me crazy, but the Hungarian student really picked the wrong way to voice his concerns about Microsoft.  He was in a room with the head of Microsoft standing in front of him, what better platform to start a debate and air his opinions?  He'll never ever have that opportunity again to discuss his views of Microsoft with Steve Ballmer so it seems to me that he was not really that serious about his objections, nor did he really believe in them.