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How to Change the Shared Folder Location for an OCS Enterprise Pool

If you need to change the location where you originally configured the OCS shares, there are a couple of steps that you need to follow.  One reason to change the location is if you originally configured the shares to be on your Front-End server in an Enterprise Pool.  Although this technically will work, it is not recommended, especially if you have more than one Front-End server in the pool.  As you can see in the 2 images below, the shares for LiveMeeting and the Address Book are configured on the Front-End server.  If another server was added to the pool and the server hosting the shares was offline, client wouldn't be able to download the address book or upload/download content from a LiveMeeting.


To change the location of the shares, you will need to make the change in WMI.

First you need to go to Start > Run > wbemtest

Click Connect
For the namespace, enter: root\cimv2
Click Connect

Next, click on Query.

Enter one of the following queries:

Select * from MSFT_SIPAddressBookSetting
Select * from MSFT_SIPDataMCUCapabilitySetting
Select * from MSFT_SIPDataComplianceSetting

Double-click on the returned value.

Scroll down until you find the following values:

For MSFT_SIPAddressBookSetting, the property you are looking for is:
OutputLocation = "\\server\AddressBook"

For MSFT_SIPDataMCUCapabilitySetting, the properties you are looking for are:
MeetingMetadataLocation = "\\server\MeetingMetadata"
MeetingPresentationContentLocation = "\\server\MeetingContent"

For MSFT_SIPDataComplianceSetting, the property you are looking for are:
MeetingContentComplianceLocation = "\\server\MeetingArchiving"

To edit the properties, click on Edit Property.  Enter the new location for the share.  When you are done, make sure to click on Save Property and Save Object.



If you are trying to change the location on OCS 2007 R2, you will need to change the WMI query a little.

Select * from MSFT_SIPAddressBookSetting where Backend="<SQL Instance>"
Select * from MSFT_SIPDataMCUCapabilitySetting where Backend="<SQL Instance>"
Select * from MSFT_SIPClientUpdaterSetting where Backend="<SQL Instance>"
Select * from MSFT_SIPDataComplianceSetting where Backend="<SQL Instance>"
Select * from MSFT_SIPPoolConfigSetting where Backend="<SQL Instance>"
Select * from MSFT_SIPApplicationConfigSetting where Backend="<SQL Instance>"

*Note: for MSFT_SIPApplicationConfigSetting, there are a couple Instance Ids returned.  You want the Instance Id that corresponds to the Response Group service.  The easiest way to figure out which Instance Id this is, is to look at the DisplayName property of each Instance Id for the value "Office Communications Server Response Group".


For MSFT_SIPAddressBookSetting, the property you are looking for is:
OutputLocation = "\\server\AddressBook"

For MSFT_SIPDataMCUCapabilitySetting, the properties you are looking for are:
MeetingMetadataLocation = "\\server\MeetingMetadata"
MeetingPresentationContentLocation = "\\server\MeetingContent"

For MSFT_SIPClientUpdaterSetting, the property you are looking for is:
FileLocation = "\\server\ClientUpdate"

For MSFT_SIPDataComplianceSetting, the property you are looking for are:
MeetingContentComplianceLocation = "\\server\MeetingArchiving"

For MSFT_SIPPoolConfigSetting, the property you are looking for is:
ApplicationDataLocation = "\\server\ApplicationData"

For MSFT_SIPApplicationConfigSetting, the property you are looking for is:
DataLocation = "\\server\ApplicationData"


You will need manually create the shares as well as assign share and NTFS permissions.

Share Permissions for the Address Book Share
Authenticated Users - Read
RTCHSUniversalServices - Read, Change
RTCUniversalServerAdmins - Read, Change
RTCUniversalGuestAccessGroup - Read

NTFS Permissions for the Address Book Share
Authenticated Users - Read, List Folder Contents
RTCHSUniversalServices - Modify
RTCUniversalServerAdmins - Modify
RTCUniversalGuestAccessGroup - Read, List Folder Contents

Share Permissions for the Meeting Content Share
RTCComponentUniversalServices - Read, Change
RTCUniversalGuestAccessGroup - Read

NTFS Permissions for the Meeting Content Share
RTCComponentUniversalServices - Modify
RTCUniversalGuestAccessGroup - Read, List Folder Contents

Share Permissions for the Meeting Metadata Share
RTCComponentUniversalServices - Read, Change

NTFS Permissions for the Meeting Metadata Share
RTCComponentUniversalServices - Modify

Share Permissions for the Meeting Compliance Share
RTCComponentUniversalServices - Read, Change

NTFS Permissions for the Meeting Compliance Share
RTCComponentUniversalServices - Modify

Share Permissions for the Application Data Share
RTCComponentUniversalServices - Read, Change
RTCUniversalServerAdmins - Read, Change

NTFS Permissions for the Application Data Share
RTCComponentUniversalServices - Modify
RTCUniversalServerAdmins - Modify

Share Permissions for the Client Update Share
RTCHSUniversalServices - Read
RTCComponentUniversalServices - Read, Change
RTCUniversalServerAdmins - Read, Change
RTCUniversalGuestAccessGroup - Read

NTFS Permissions for the Client Update Share
RTCHSUniversalServices - Read, List Folder Contents
RTCUniversalServerAdmins - Modify
RTCUniversalGuestAccessGroup - Read, List Folder Contents


Once you are done creating the share and assigning permissions you can copy over the data from the old share.  You will also need to update the path in IIS for the Abs>Ext>Files and Abs>Int>Files and Etc>Place>Null>FileTree folders to point to the new location.  When that is finished, restart the OCS Services on the Front-End server and you're all set.