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Supporting different build types using a single deployment share

I have recently been working with a customer deploying Windows 7 using MDT. One of the requirements the customer had is to be able to use a single deployment share to capture and deploy images without having to use the MDT database. Using a single deployment share is complicated by the requirement to specify different configurations depending on whether the deployment type is a capture of a reference build or the deployment of the standard image. For example, during the deployment of the reference image, the capture settings dialog should not be displayed.

The customer used a set of Virtual Machines to perform captures of the reference build, therefore we could use information specific to those Virtual Machines to determine whether a capture or deployment was taking place. We used a simple user exit script to determine whether the MAC address of the client was linked to a Virtual Machine and if so set configuration options for a capture build. Otherwise, the build was treated as a standard deployment. Below are examples of a customsettings.ini and user exit script.



Priority=Default, Role










Function UserExit(sType, sWhen, sDetail, bSkip)

UserExit = Success

End Function

Function Role(strMac)

If strMac = “00:00:00:00:00:00” Then

Role = “ReferenceBuild”

Else Role = “StandardBuild”

End If

End Function

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This post was contributed by ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Matt Bailey , a Consultant with Microsoft Services - UK .