SQL Server + Node.js – What’s new?

JavaScript is the most popular and active programming language among developers across various industries. Tedious Node.js connector is a JavaScript implementation of the Tabular Data Stream (TDS) protocol. This Node.js connector allows you to connect from platform of your choice to SQL Server on premise and in the cloud. Tedious is a native JavaScript connector that provides the npm install experience.


I’m pleased to share that Microsoft is now a collaborator for Tedious on GitHub and contributes actively to this community-initiated effort. The Tedious Node.js connector is:

  • Cross-platform: You can connect to SQL Server anywhere from node.js from platform of your choice – be it Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  • Open-source: As a matter of fact, it is a project initiated by the open-source community and continues to be driven by the community. This allows us to engage with developers on GitHub, develop transparently and gather feedback quickly.
  • Officially supported: You can contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS) via phone, email, twitter, forums, etc. to report and get help with any issue.

We are fixing bugs found via issues reported on GitHub and are partnering with developers to make Tedious better. We are planning on adding support for advanced SQL Server features like Multi-Subnet Failover, Always On Availability Groups, Always Encrypted, Azure Active Directory (AAD), etc.

Windows Integrated Authentication is the most common issue reported by developers on GitHub and the top request from customers. In response to customer feedback we are working on adding support for it in the next release of Tedious.

Get started today

  • Check out GitHub repo for Tedious and contribute.
  • File issues for bugs, feature requests, questions, etc. on GitHub and help us prioritize.
  • Follow the Google Group for discussions on Tedious.
  • Try the new getting started tutorials that show you how to:
    • Install SQL Server on Linux/macOS/Docker/Windows
    • Create a simple app using languages such as C#, Java, Node.js, PHP and Python with SQL Server.
    • Create a simple app using popular web frameworks and Object Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks with SQL Server.
    • Try out some cool SQL Server features that can make your apps shine.

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