Microsoft SQL Server team hosts Ask Me Anything session

This post was authored by Vin Yu, Program Manager, Data Platform

The Microsoft SQL Server team will host a special Ask Me Anything session on /r/SQLServer, Friday, November 18th, 2016 from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm PDT. AMA event opens up for questions on Thursday, November 17th 2016 at 2:00pm.

What’s an AMA session?

We’ll have folks from across the Microsoft SQL Server engineering team available to answer any questions you have. You can ask us anything about SQL Server or even our team!

Why are we doing an AMA?

We like reaching out and learning from our customers and the community. We want to know how you use SQL Server and how your experience has been. Your questions provide insights into how we can make SQL Server better. AMA sessions turn out to be very useful, and we plan on doing AMAs covering various SQL Server topics in the future.

Who will be there?

You, of course! We’ll also have PMs and Developers from the SQL Server engineering team participating throughout the day. Have any questions about the following topics? Bring them to the AMA.

  • SQL Server Features such as Columnstore, In-Memory OLTP, Row-Level Security, PolyBase, Stretch, or any of the features listed here.
  • Database Tools for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database (SSMS, SSDT, SSRS, SSIS, SSAS, SSMA, SQLPS, CLI Tools)
  • Azure Portal for Azure SQL DB, Azure Elastic Database Pools or Azure Virtual Machines with SQL Server
  • R Services for predictive analytics, machine learning, and using scalable R packages with SQL Server technologies
  • Developing with SQL Server using the language of your choice (Examples. Node, Python, Java, etc.) or connecting your app to SQL Server using our drivers (ODBC, JDBC and open source drivers)
  • Migrating or Building Apps and Solutions with SQL Server and the resources we have available to help you get the most out of SQL Server.

Didn’t cover a topic in the list above? Leave a comment with the topic you’d like us to cover or just bring them to the AMA anyways and we’ll try our best to cover it!

Why should I ask questions here instead of StackOverflow, MSDN or Twitter? Can I really ask anything?

An AMA is a great place to ask us anything. StackOverflow and MSDN have restrictions on which questions can be asked while Twitter only allows 140 characters. With an AMA, you’ll get answers directly from the team and have a conversation with the people who build these products and services.

Here are some question ideas:

  • What’s new in SQL Server?
  • How do I provide feedback and interact with the SQL Server product team on a regular basis?
  • What tools would I use to migrate my database to SQL Server?
  • What’s a cool trick you don’t think most customers know about?
  • With so many database options, why should I consider SQL Server?

Go ahead, ask us anything about our public products or the team! Please note, we cannot comment on unreleased features and future plans.