SQL Automated Backup and Patching Support in Existing SQL Server Virtual Machines

In January, we released the SQL Automated Backup and SQL Automated Patching services for SQL Server Virtual Machines in Azure. These services automate the processes of backing up and patching your SQL Server VMs. In that release, you were able to configure these services in the Azure Preview Portal when provisioning a new SQL Server 2014 Enterprise or Standard VM. You could also configure these services in an existing Virtual Machine via PowerShell commandlets.

We have now expanded the experience so you can configure these services in an existing SQL Server VM in the Azure Preview Portal. Whether you have already enabled these services or not inside your Virtual Machine, you can go to that VM in the Azure Preview Portal and either update your configuration or create a new configuration for each service. You will find both services under the Configuration label, shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Configuration label has both services

Try these services out in the Azure Portal, and check out the documentation for further details.