New In-Memory OLTP Sample for SQL Server 2014 CTP2

To help you get started with the new In-Memory OLTP feature, we created a sample around sales order processing based on the AdventureWorks sample database.

The sample, along with installation and usage instructions, are available on Codeplex:

We encourage you to download and install the sample to become familiar with the new memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures, introduced by the In-Memory OLTP feature in SQL Server 2014 CTP2.

We also included a number of demo stored procedures in the sample, which can be used to measure the performance of the sample on your system, and to contrast the performance of the new memory-optimized tables with traditional disk-based tables. Instructions for running the demo stored procedures, and for testing at scale, are in the documentation included with the sample.

The sample is a work in progress, and we appreciate any and all feedback. You can post feedback and questions on the SQL Server Samples Forum.

We will be updating the sample regularly based on your feedback, as we get closer to the RTM release.