New SQL Services in Windows Azure

As we shared with the launch of Windows Azure, we are advancing our proven on-premises technologies into the cloud to offer customers the flexibility and efficiency of Hybrid IT. To continue to enable SQL Server customers in the cloud, we are offering Windows Azure SQL Reporting and the Preview of SQL Server in new persistent Windows Azure Virtual Machines.

SQL Reporting is a secure, flexible and cost effective cloud-based service that provides reporting capabilities and enables the consumption of operational reports inside and outside the organization. SQL Reporting enables you to publish reports to the cloud or embed reports directly within on-premises applications that can be accessed via browser, mobile device or PC. 

Virtual Machines give you application mobility, allowing you to move your virtual hard disks (VHDs) back and forth between on-premises and the cloud. Migrate existing workloads such as Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SharePoint to the cloud, bring your own customized Windows Server or Linux images, or select from a gallery. As a common virtualization file format, VHD has been adopted by hundreds of vendors and is a freely available specification covered under the Microsoft Open Specification Promise. For more details click here and stay tuned to the Windows Server blog here for updates.

The launch of these services also corresponds with the brand alignment of all SQL services in the cloud under our master brand, Windows Azure. SQL Azure database will be known as Windows Azure SQL Database moving forward and all SQL services such as SQL Reporting will be updated to reflect this change. This brand alignment represents our commitment to offering our customers one seamless experience in the public cloud.

As always the best way to experience Windows Azure is through a Free Trial. Log on and take advantage today!