Microsoft Colleagues Win ACM Award


Congratulations to David DeWitt, Bob Gerber, and their colleagues at University of Wisconsin, including Jeff Naughton, our partner at UW in the Gray Systems Lab, for receiving the prestigious 2008 ACM Software System Award for their work on the Gamma Parallel Database System.

From the ACM award: 

The Gamma Parallel Database System (2008)

Gamma Parallel Database System –
the Software System Award for this prototype parallel relational database system, which was the first parallel database management system (DBMS) to publish results demonstrating the ability to run the same query with the same performance on larger data sets by simply adding hardware nodes.  The Gamma project had a profound impact on the database field by demonstrating that scalable performance could be achieved without the use of specialized hardware.  Developed by David J. DeWitt, Microsoft/University of Wisconsin-Madison (Emeritus); Robert Gerber of Microsoft; Murali Krishna of Hewlett Packard; Donovan A. Schneider of Yahoo!; Shahram Ghandeharizadeh of the University of Southern California; Goetz Graefe of Hewlett Packard; Michael Heytens of RGM Advisors; Hui-I Hsiao of IBM; Jeffrey F. Naughton of the University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Anoop Sharma of Hewlett Packard.  The Software System Award is given to an institution or individuals recognized for developing software systems that have had a lasting influence, reflected in contributions to concepts and/or commercial acceptance

ACM Press Release