Operations Manager 2007 Agent proxy command line tool - ProxyCFG

Here's a small command line utility to configure/view agent proxying.

A few useful things,

1) Remotable

2) View current agent proxy settings

3) Change proxy settings for agent in a group

4) Update agents based on flexible query expression


Details from help:

System Center Operations Manager 2007 / Essentials 2007 Agent Proxy Configuration Tool - V1.10 (Cliveea)
This utility is supplied 'as-is' with no support.

Allows enabling/disabling of agent to act as a proxy (aka. "Allow this agent to act as a proxy and discover managed objects on other computers" )

Syntax for local operation: ProxyCFG.exe [-LG] [-GETAGENT] <AgentQueryExpression [-AGENTPROXYON] <AgentFQDN> [-AGENTPROXYOFF] <AgentFQDN> [-GROUPPROXYON] <groupname> [-GROUPPROXYOFF] <groupname>
Syntax for remote operation: ProxyCFG.exe -S <ManagementServername> <domain/username> [-LG] [-GETAGENT] <AgentQueryExpression> [-AGENTPROXYON] <AgentQueryExpression> [-AGENTPROXYOFF] <AgentQueryExpression> [-GROUPPROXYON] <groupname> [-GROUPPROXYOFF] <groupname>

-LG - List Computer Groups available for -GROUPPROXYON and -GROUPPROXYOFF options
-GETAGENT - Display Agent proxy status for <AgentQueryExpression>
-AGENTPROXYON - Enable Agent proxy status for <AgentQueryExpression>
-AGENTPROXYOFF - Disable Agent proxy status for <AgentQueryExpression>
-GROUPPROXYON - Enable Agent proxy status for all Agent members of group <groupname>
-GROUPPROXYOFF - Disable Agent proxy status for all Agent members of group <groupname>

Entering AgentQueryExpressions:
Agent proxying can be enabled or disabled for a single agent or multiple agents matching a query expression.
Query expression syntax follows that documented in the Operations Manager 2007 SDK. See https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb437603.aspx
ProxyCFG.exe automatically includes the "Name" property of the expression syntax so there is no need to use it on the command line.
Here are some basic examples of how to use the expression syntax for use with the -GETAGENT option to check the correct agents are returned when using -AGENTPROXYON & -AGENTPROXYOFF commands (speech marks and quotes ARE required):
Here's an example needing to target one explicit agent: ProxyCFG -GetAgent "= 'momagent1.contoso.com'"
Targeting all agents in domain Contoso.com: ProxyCFG -GetAgent "LIKE 'contoso.com'"

Only managed agents can have their proxying enabled/disabled. Management Servers are ignored. You must configure Management Server proxying using an alterate method.
The GROUPPROXYON and GROUPPROXYOFF commands target only managed Agents within the specified group. Subgroups are not processed in this version.
Remote connnections require the assemblies Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.DLL and Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Common.DLL to be present.



Download from https://home.comcast.net/~the_eastwoods/MOMDownloads\Proxycfg.zip