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Create a Spark with Office Online Clip Art

Technorati Tags: clip art,inspire,PowerPoint,presentations

Our May 7th blog entry (Got the presentation blahs? Use Office images to add some spice to your PowerPoint presentations) describes how to add background images from the Office Online Clip Art collections.

Combine this with the June 1, 2009 entry announcing the Office Online Create a Spark PowerPoint contest (deadline June 26, 2009 11:59 PST), and here’s your chance to use those resulting presentations to inspire and motivate a community.


Here are just a few additional image ideas from the Microsoft’s Office Online Clip Art library using key words searches :

j0439557 42-16038156 Calm & Koolr
Achievement Flag Mountains
j0438577 j0289213 BasketBall - score
Nature Space exploration Sports

To find more great ways to make a great impression and explore the possibilities of PowerPoint, see the Office Online Help and How-to section.
