Sockets Programming for Vista...


"What the Hell? Developer stuff on Chris' Blog?!?!?!?!?"

Yeah.....well I would love to avoid the developer stuff but in the interest of assisting people with their questions I am making my inaugural post with the "Tech Support" tag and about developery stuff...


Question from Email -- "I am sort of the guinea pig for Vista in our area.  We work with communications.  I don't have any sort of feeling as to how Microsoft has transitioned to 64-bit sockets.  I was wondering if you might be able to suggest some books or publications  or even Microsoft classes on socket programming with Vista?"


Answer -- Well. I don't have a clue about that stuff so I sent an email to some coder types I know to see what they could provide. Zain Naboulsi, one of our developer evangelists got back in touch with me and referred me to one of our forums that is specific to the WinSock Kernel API's. Zain pointed out there is an "Introduction & Guidelines - Winsock Kernel" guide at the top of the forum that is recommended reading.

I also did a few quick searches myself to see what I could blindly add to the mix....

MSDN Article - Developing Applications for 64bit Windows

MSDN Article - What's New for Windows Sockets

MSDN Article - Windows Sockets: Blocking 

Blog Site - Windows Core Networking blog


Reader....let me know if this get you going in the right direction!

