Why it Pays to be a Decent Person

guestblogger_thumb2_1  Adam Cole (B. Math, I.S.P., ITCP, PMP)

 Adam Cole large

Be decent to other people – always.

This cannot be understated. You may have a secure job today but do you know where you will be tomorrow? If you are good to others you will be rewarded when you need it.

I was downsized recently. Regardless of the circumstances there is a certain amount of depression and self doubt; however, a strong network of family, friends, and loyal business associates have helped to make this an uplifting experience.

I had the most pleasant experience the other day. My best friend came by for an early morning run. He offered to travel to a conference at his own expense to help introduce me to a number of senior people who would be at the conference. After our run I arrived home and within minutes a highly paid professional (who charges far more than what I would readily spend) was prepared to assist me at no cost. While I was on the phone with this professional another friend who had heard about my position stopped by the house and took me out for a coffee and iterated through a number of ways he was going to help me. On my way home from coffee I stopped by the dry cleaners to pick up some shirts. The dry cleaner commented that I was not at work in the middle of the week and we started chatting. By the end of our conversation she refused to take my money until I had a job. She probably needs the money more than I and I insisted that she take it. She refused and chased me on to the street. I remember joking with her that if anyone saw me fighting with an elder lady on the street I would end up in jail. With the cash in my hand she dodged back in to her little shop, and smiled and blew a kiss goodbye safe behind her locked door.

By 10am I had seen four solid examples of goodwill which I had accumulated over the years come back to help me in many priceless and unexpected ways. As for the dry cleaner – I still owe her the 30 bucks, and at least a good bottle of wine. In addition, everybody in my neighborhood that I have told this story to is now a client of hers.