Skyscrapr: Your Window on the Disciplines on System Architecture, Building Successful Systems, Architects’ blogs, Industry Trends, Webcasts, Architecture Encyclopedia and Glossary, Resource Center

I received this notice from my MVP lead and thought I would share it with you. It's a good control and information center for all things architecture and well worth your time to have a look at:

Enjoy! ... from Stephen Ibaraki, I.S.P., FCIPS, MVP, DFNPA, CNP

Developing the big picture

You can't build a stable system without a good plan. And you can't develop a good plan without a strong model that fits the needs of the organization. A coherent vision of how all of a system's parts need to come together that protects you. Without a plan you risk inefficiency, or even chaos, for your organization.

How essential is good system architecture? It can be the difference between growth and stagnation, availability and breakdown, or success and failure.

Skyscrapr is your window on the architectural perspective. Discover the different disciplines of system architecture, as well as perspectives on building successful systems. Check out our architects' blogs, learn about industry trends, download webcasts, watch videos, find training, and more.

Solution Architect Solution Architecture Solution Architects decide which technologies to use. They work very closely with developers to ensure proper implementation. They are the link between the needs of the organization and the developers.
Infrastructure Architect Infrastructure Architecture The Infrastructure Architect finds the pragmatic solutions to the requirements of the organization as presented by the Strategic architect. They like to make things work. They know robust and secure systems keep everything running smoothly.
Strategic Architect Strategic Architecture Enterprise Architects create the master blueprint that guides their organization's business and IT systems. They have the vision and long-term perspective that gives an organization direction.
Industry Architect Industry Architecture Industry Architects focus on the cutting edge of technology in their industry. Whatever the business imperatives may be, Industry architects develop the vision and the roadmap to get there.