People-Ready - Thoughts from Phil Sorgen

Yesterday we outlined our company's vision called "People-Ready".  It is a major step for us and I thought it best to have our president Phil Sorgen say a few words about it.

Without further delay, here's Phil...


Yesterday we announced our "People-Ready" business vision and I thought that it was important to take some time and share with each of you what this means and how we are committed to your success. We've been listening to your feedback over the years and feel that now is the right time to change the dialogue. This dialogue shift means moving from an individual product, an individual technology, and taking the conversation to a whole new level. It is time for us to join in the conversation with you on the business outcomes you're trying to drive, and to recognize that your belief in people using and benefiting from technology is a value that we share with you.

As Steve Ballmer said in his keynote in New York yesterday, we believe that people, armed with the right software, are the key to driving business success. I don't know how many of you have had the opportunity to see Steve speak and feel his passion - I've included a link to the webcast below.

I particularly liked this comment from Steve: "People-Ready is a natural extension of our founding vision of empowering people through software... From business intelligence to the mobile work force, from collaboration to communications, and from CRM to enterprise search, the opportunity for software to deliver even greater customer value is limitless."

From my experience, Steve truly believes that our success as a company becomes real when we help you be successful! This shared success model has been a key learning throughout my years at Microsoft. To me the "People-Ready" business vision is not about marketing or advertisements, it is about us collectively working together. Our first steps will entail bringing to market over the next year a series of innovative solutions in new and existing areas that make sense for your business.

You can find the webcast and more information at:

Thanks and I look forward to our shared successes -



Thanks to Phil for spending a few minutes to share his thoughts on our "People-Ready" vision.

If you have any comments or feedback, as always post them here.
