How To: Security Enhancements with Windows Server 2008 R2

One of the internal notification emails I get is from a group that writes up TechNet articles on things that Microsoft Internal IT (a.k.a MSIT) do to manage the 90,000 ish employees of the largest software company in the world. They are rather interesting to read and typically hit the 100 – 200 technical level – giving you a sense of what’s possible when you apply a solutions based approach to issues facing companies of all sizes. I mean seriously – some of the things I read about in these documents and now experience as a user were things you’d read about in “employee usage guides” or “security policy guides” but you knew they weren’t really implemented - - - YET.


The series is called “how Microsoft does IT” and they are generally a very nice read. Great resource info for what’s possible, how Microsoft takes care of it’s own shop, how they align up to business drivers – all that good stuff. They also have a bunch of additional resources, videos and other goodies.

Fresh off the press is this instalment. How Microsoft IT Leverages Security Enhancements from Windows Server 2008 R2 , which discusses how Microsoft IT uses DirectAccess, NAP, BranchCache, AppLocker, and Extended Protection for Integrated Windows Authentication to provide a safer and more secure environment for Microsoft employees and partners. Authored by Ryan Vatne.

How Microsoft IT Leverages Security Enhancements from Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows Server 2008 R2 offers significant security enhancements related to network access, branch offices, enforcement, and applications control. Learn how Microsoft IT leverages these enhancements to provide a safer and more secure environment for Microsoft employees and partners.

Take a moment, grab a fresh cuppa joe and have a read. You’ll enjoy it.

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