Meet Sean - He's much more than just a PC

I'm sure many of you have seen the I'm a PC ad campaign that we have ben running over the last little while.  The most recent ad starts out with a what looks like the PC guy from the Apple Mac/PC ads saying "Hello, I'm a PC and I've been made into a stereotype".  Those words are not uttered by an actor, as is the case with the Apple ads, but by an actual Microsoft employee named Sean Siler. 

Sean is actually the Program Manager responsible for IPv6.  He is also the person responsible for the IPv6 blog, a great place to find out about this version of the Internet Protocol that will become more and more important over the next few years as networks worldwide start to take advantage of it.  Richard Campbell and Greg Hughes of RunAsRadio interviewed Sean just before TechEd 2008.  In the interview, which is Show # 53 on RunAsRadio Sean shares his thoughts on the importance of IPv6 and clarifies  some of the misconceptions about the latest version of the IP protocol.  Check out the show.

Going back to the I'm a PC campaign, it is nice to know that like all of the other folks declaring "I'm a PC" in the most recent commercial, Sean is one of us.

I'm a PC and I'm bald....
