Identity Management

A fellow IT Pro Advisor from Australia, Michael Kleef, posted an link to an article on identity management at  The article talks about centralized identity management and refers to a survey saying "64% of the 627 IT pros surveyed ......say their companies use identity and access management technology"

64%, THAT'S IT?  What I think a lot of IT Pro's miss is the fact that Active Directory is the fundamental identity and access management tool and much more than 64% are running Active Directory but as I've seen too many time (and you most likely have too) identity and access management is still a challenge.  I've seen admin accounts still enabled and passwords unexpired years after the person had left the company and struggled with HR to let IT know immediately when someone is being let go rather than finding out two weeks later.

Because of this I've managed to snag some time to present the next TechNet Monthly here at the Mississauga office titled Making Identity and Access Management Real.  You can read the details of the event and register at the link below and yes I know the majority of our readers are not in the GTA area, so it will be recorded and posted as a Webcast shortly afterwards.  And yes I'll be sure to post the link :)

Event Registration Page