I'mmmm ccccccolddd

Ssssso IIII jjjjust gggot bbback frommmmm tttthe iiiiice hhhhouse anddddd ittttt wwwwwaas a cccccold one.  Today we released Vista and Office to the world and as you may have seen on this blog, we built an Ice House in downtown Toronto to celebrate. 

Today was the first day it was open to the public and we had over 3500 people come and visit.  It was pretty cool (no pun intended) and we had lots to display.  The house is fitted with 6 PCs, one in the home office, the kitchen, a wireless notebook, a Media Center in the living room and bedroom, and one in the kids room.  There are demos on all the new Office applications, Media Center, parental controls, and much more.  If you haven't checked it out, dress warm and come one down.  We will be there everyday between 10am and 7pm until Saturday February 3rd.

Come have a hot chocolate and check out the house (as well as Vista and Office)