Office 2007 on TechNet Plus Subscriber DL - Vista soon?

I was signing in to my TechNet Plus subscription to download a copy of Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 to install on a laptop I will be using for the upcoming Business Value Launch tour (more on this setup later) and I happened to notice that Office 2007 RTM is now posted on the TechNet Plus Subscriber Download!

Yup - If you are an MSDN or TechNet Plus subscriber - you can sign in to your page and check out the final bits on a system.  Looks like you will have to wait a bit longer for Windows Vista to appear - after checking my internal mail, looks like Windows Vista will be available next week around the 17th.

Are you still using the DVD/CD shipment method? Looks like we will be dropping Windows Vista Ultimate and Office 2007 Professional Plus 2007 editions in the January mail-out.

Happy downloading. I can hear the bits flying across the routers as you read this. :)