IE7 and WSUS

So IE7 for XP and 2003 shipped the otherday and will be pushed out via Windows Update in the future.  IE7 for English clients will be available for WSUS server synchronization from Microsoft Update starting Wednesday, November 1, 2006.  This release will be available in other languages over the next few months. IE7.0 will be classified as an Update Rollup for WSUS servers and will be approximately 15MB in size.    IE7.0 will be available for Windows XP SP2, Windows XP 64-bit Edition, and Windows Server 2003 SP1 systems.

* An important note: IE7.0 will not be available to SUS 1.0 or SUS 1.0/SP1 servers, which will be at the end of their support lifecycle on December 6, 2006.

Of course you should never blindly install anything so I figured some resources to get you going would be appropriate!

WSUS team blog

WSUS TechCenter

IE 7.0 Home Page

Automatic Updates distribution of IE 7.0

Testing and deploying IE7.0, download the IE 7.0 Readiness Toolkit