Exchange Server in Depth resources (Exchange 12, Exchange Services, Mobility ...)

An interesting thing came into my inbox over the weekend – a link to the public side of Technet Exchange in Depth landing page of webcasts, both on demand and upcoming live events. At first I was thinking this was just an announcement about a series of webcasts, but in fact, their landing page is more then just that it is a one stop shop for a large amount of online resources – check it out yourself (

What sort of stuff will you find?

Exchange '12' Preview
Exchange Server in Depth
Getting Started 
Disaster Recovery
Mobility and Remote Access
Security and Protection
Related Resources

I am particularly interested in  the Exchange 12 preview series running from March 14th through to the 17th. You might want to bookmark and sign up for those ones. I get to dive in to E12 more when I get back from the Build ‘06 national tour – I can’t wait.