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Managed Code Performance

I never quite know how to start something like this without sounding a bit goofy.  “Hi there” seems odd, seeings as I have no real idea who I'm talking to yet.  Ah well.

My name is Bill Wert.  I'm a Software Test Engineer on the CLR Performance team.  I started this blog in hopes that I can fill what I see as a niche.  People like Rico talk about what kind of design patterns can lead to bad performance.  The message at the end of the day is that until you measure your own scenario, you won't really know.  What I'm hoping to provide through this blog are tips on measuring your performance.  There are a number of gotchas that you may or may not be aware of.  So, over the next N weeks as time allows, I'm going to cover topics in this neighborhood:

  • How to time code
  • What metrics should you be tracking, and how often
  • Useful tools for measuring performance
  • Suggestions?

I'm sure there are things that you might be curious about which I haven't listed here - please let me know in the comments of this post.

Also - Thanks to Scott!