The D-ILA has landed!

This weekend I picked up a new 52" JVC D-ILA television.  It is an 3-chip LCoS microdevice reverse projection tabletop television, similar to the DLP TVs that have taken the market by storm.  The difference with LCoS is that there is no spinning color wheel, and thus no possibility of seeing the color separation ("rainbow") effect.

Anyway, I got it home on Saturday night, hooked it up to the Comcast HD/DVR box (powered by Microsoft!) and fired it up.  If you've ever asked "what's the big deal about HDTV?" take a look at SportsCenter on ESPN-HD and you won't ask again.

The problem: there is some kind of dust on the lens or inside of the screen, and the screen has some discoloration on the inside that is unacceptable.  Much to my dismay, I am going to have to take it back and get a replacement.  However, once I get this sorted, I can tell you that we are going to be happy with this TV for some time to come.