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Configure Web Deploy Publishing missing in IIS console


You have installed the Web Deployment Tool on your IIS7 webserver. Now you want to configure a site for Web Deploy Publishing like described in:

i.e. you want to to this using the “Configure Web Deploy Publishing” dialog:

IIS Manager UI configure web deploy publishing dialog


You do a right-click the site you want to publish to, click Deploy and then there is no “Configure Web Deploy Publishing…” in the IIS Manager UI

i.e. the “Configure Web Deploy Publishing” sub menu is missing .


You might, like me,  do not have the latest version of the Microsoft Web Deploy 2.0 (I had 2.0.1042) on your IIS:

Install the latest version (e.g. 2.0.1070) of the web deployment tool on your IIS7 –> this will add the “Configure Web Deploy Publishing…” to the IIS Manager UI:

configure web deploy publishing

I did so | prefer installing the “Web Deployment Tool 2.1 for Hosting Servers” using the Web Platform Installer: