An internal error occurred when you are migrating mail boxes from on-primise Exchange server to Plan E3.


When you are migrating mail boxes from your Exchange server to Plan E3.

  • You've implemented federation (AD FS) in your on-premises organization.
  • Your are doing a staged Exchange Migration (using a CSV file).
  • In the CSV file, you're using TRUE for the value of the ForceChangePassword attribute.

You might get the following error:

A Windows Live error occurred while provisioning for "". An internal error occurred while talking to Windows Live. Additional details: "0x800482101033This action is currently blocked for the API.
CH1IDOPRTI02 2011.



Modify the CSV file, change the value for ForceChangePassword to FALSE, and then rerun the migration.  For example:


Alternatively, you can remove the Password and ForceChangePassword columns. The documentation for staged Exchange migration will be updated accordingly.