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Big Downloads With PowerShell

Personally I do not trust some of the popular 3rd party tools used for big downloads given the nepharious nature of the content people usually download with them.  That leads me to believe that the creators of such tools may not be entirely trustworthy, so I would prefer not to install those tools on my machines.  That's just my opinion, and I am open to be corrected.

That being said, I stumbled onto a blog post by the one-and-only Jeffrey Snover describing the ability for PowerShell to do large downloads with BITS.  It's a good post and worth the read.  Unfortunately his demo code was from a pre-release version, and some of the cmdlets have since been renamed in production.  The beauty of BITS is that it sips bandwidth while you're using the PC, throttles up when you're not using the PC, and resumes interrupted downloads.

Using his script as a base I have created an updated and rather robust PowerShell BITS script for large downloads, complete with download progress reporting.  Now you can kick off that big download before you go to bed, and in the morning your console will show you the start and end times of the download and the completion status.  This demo script uses the Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 release candidate download as an example large file.

The comments in the code are straight forward.  Tweak the source and destination paths, and you're good to go.  Enjoy!

 # PowerShell Bits Transfer            
# Ashley McGlone            
# November, 2010            
# Original PowerShell & BITS article by Jeffrey Snover here:            
# Mr. Snover's article was based on pre-release code.            
# This version uses the updated RTM syntax.            
# This version does a checking loop to see if the file has completed transfer            
# yet, and automatically completes the transfer if it is done.            
# It also displays progress of the download.            
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"            
Import-Module BitsTransfer            
# URL to your large download file here            
# EXAMPLE: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Release Candidate            
$src  = ""            
# Local file path here            
$dest = "C:\Users\username\Downloads\"            
# We make a unique display name for the transfer so that it can be uniquely            
# referenced by name and will not return an array of jobs if we have run the            
# script multiple times simultaneously.            
$displayName = "MyBitsTransfer " + (Get-Date)            
Start-BitsTransfer `
    -Source $src `
    -Destination $dest `
    -DisplayName $displayName `
$job = Get-BitsTransfer $displayName            
# Create a holding pattern while we wait for the connection to be established            
# and the transfer to actually begin.  Otherwise the next Do...While loop may            
# exit before the transfer even starts.  Print the job status as it changes            
# from Queued to Connecting to Transferring.            
# If the download fails, remove the bad job and exit the loop.            
$lastStatus = $job.JobState            
Do {            
    If ($lastStatus -ne $job.JobState) {            
        $lastStatus = $job.JobState            
    If ($lastStatus -like "*Error*") {            
        Remove-BitsTransfer $job            
        Write-Host "Error connecting to download."            
while ($lastStatus -ne "Transferring")            
# Print the transfer status as we go:            
#   Date & Time   BytesTransferred   BytesTotal   PercentComplete            
do {            
    Write-Host (Get-Date) $job.BytesTransferred $job.BytesTotal `
    Start-Sleep -s 10            
while ($job.BytesTransferred -lt $job.BytesTotal)            
# Print the final status once complete.            
Write-Host (Get-Date) $job.BytesTransferred $job.BytesTotal `
Complete-BitsTransfer $job            
#   ><>


