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Manage your Virtual Server Machines with VMRC Plus

One of my colleagues developed a tool called VMRC Plus which is an improved version of the VMRC client that is deployed together with Virtual Server 2005.

As soon as I got the link I downloaded this tool, installed it on my machine. Unfortunately I didn't have Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 running. So I downloaded and installed it without IIS and I didn't installed the Web Administration tools. Why? Because you don't need them :)

What does VMRCplus offer?

  • Direct control of local or remote instances of the Virtual Server service. IIS and IE browser are no longer required!
  • Tabbed interface to quickly jump between Virtual Server hosts and guest VMRC sessions.
  • Reusable saved states: this feature allows users to preserve a particular saved state and return to that state at any time.
  • Multiple guest selection supported for startup/shutdown/save/display.
  • Browse button navigation for media, hard disk images, ISO images, .VMC files, etc.
  • Drag and Drop support for .VMC files, ISO's images, VHD and VFD files.
  • Resizable desktop support for guests running Virtual Machine Additions (maximize VMRC window supported).
  • Limited cut and paste of text from host to guest (only).
  • A built-in utility to take JPG screenshots of running guests. Useful when filing bugs.
  • Built-in error notification with Virtual Server event log viewer.
  • A Virtual Networks Manager and Virtual Disks Manager that cover all features.
  • Keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-S to save state a guest).
  • Create multiple guests at once.
  • Create guest from parent (or multiple guests)!
  • Automatic reconnect to a designated Virtual Server host.
  • Toolbars in both Guest and Console Manager for quick access.
  • Unlimited number of guests.
  • Maximum of 32 Virtual Server hosts.
  • Sorting on columns of guests so you can sort based on status and multi-select.
  • Automatic detection of Virtual Machine Additions and notification.
  • Detection of Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1.

Some screen shots:

Main VMRCplus window (Guest Manager)


Create a new Guest


Hardware Settings page


Remote control sessions through the Console Manager



This is yet another tool the Admin's should have in their toolbox it is definitively in mine now. Managing my Virtual Server will be so much easier now but.
The VMRCplus tool is not an Enterprise tool neither is it supported by Microsoft, for Enterprise management I suggest you to have a look at System Center Virtual Machine Manager

This tool Rocks!!

Note: I updated the download location to the Microsoft download center 




Technorati tags: Virtual server, Virtual server 2005 R2 SP1, VMRCPlus, VMRC