Project Carmine becomes System Center “Virtual Machine Manager”

System Center “Virtual Machine Manager” (SCVMM) is the new name for the Project Carmine. The SCVMM is a management application to centrally the virtual machines by administrators and. Administrators and End users will be able to rapidly provision their virtual machines by using a self-service provisioning tool.


The key features of SCVMM are:

Integration with Operations Manager and Reporting: Operations Manager will be used to identify what we call the consolidation candidates. The performance data stored in Operations Manager is used to create a consolidation candidates report that takes all of these issues under consideration.

Operations Manager is the management solution for both physical and virtual machines infrastructure.

Centralized view of all VMs in the environment and their status, Host/VM groupings scalable to thousands of VMs. Reports on consolidation candidates, utilization trending, optimization opportunities

Virtual Machine Creation: Wizard-based, Rapid creation of VMs using physical to Virtual or pre-defined templates.

Virtual Machine placement and Deployment: Recommendation based on host capacity and utilization, manual admin override possible. Movement of VM’s over SAN.

Self Service Provisioning User Interface: User interface allowing end users to request and place VMs, Admin configures rules and boundaries for provisioning

Automation: The VMM is completely scriptable.

This list is a summary of what SCVMM will be capable of.

What I really like is the self-service provisioning tool, where you will be able to select a machine based on pre-defined templates, you will receive an e-mail with the ready to use Terminal Services connection into it.


Tags: Virtual Machine Manager, System Center, Carmine