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Welcome to my blog!

My name is Alex Gorev and I am a software developer in the SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) team. Before joining Microsoft in April 2007, I spent 8 years working at Dundas Software, where I started as a developer, then became a lead and then an architect. If you ever heard about Dundas, you can guess that my passion is Data Visualization. At Dundas we created a collection of visual components Chart, Gauge, Map and others, which enable our customers to easily create visual dashboards using different technologies like ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Reporting Services and Sharepoint. After Dundas acquisition in 2007 I was leading the visual report items team and we added new Chart and Gauge visualizations in SSRS 2008.

I created this blog to share my ideas about Data Visualization and to answer any commonly asked questions about the chart, gauge, map and other visual components we are working on.

Ok. I think this is enough for my first post but I promise more interesting stuff to follow!
