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WPF Unleashed: The perfect stocking stuffer!

This weekend I entered the final phase of tweaking and reviewing, so WPF Unleashed is on the verge of being printed!  The book is now scheduled to be available right before the new year (December 27, according to Amazon).  Although this isn't quite in time for most of the upcoming holidays, perhaps you now know what to do with any Amazon gift certificates or cash you might receive!  Or maybe I should have changed the title of this post to "Reading WPF Unleashed: A New Year's resolution you can actually accomplish!"

There are two things that I'm really excited about that I haven't mentioned before:

  • It's got an in-depth chapter on 3D by none other than Daniel Lehenbauer, the guy who implemented WPF 3D!
  • The entire book is printed in full color!   Not only does this mean stunning figures, but the C# and XAML (and some C++) has syntax coloring just like in Visual Studio!

Although I like to think that the content is top-notch, if nothing else the book is bound to be the most beautiful .NET book around!  I've been really impressed with how well the publishing team has been putting it together.  I did a lot of things that made it difficult to produce: the coloring, callouts within figures, callouts within code listings, intricate diagrams, four kinds of sidebars, and so on.  It's caused plenty of headaches and late nights, but I think readers will greatly benefit from this extra effort.  Below are a few random snapshots of pages (or parts of pages) to whet your appetite...

Pieces of WPF Unleashed