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Windows Developer Documentation Team

Writing about writing apps for Windows

Windows Docs Update

Here's what has recently been updated on the Windows Dev Center. The Windows 10 Anniversary Update...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 08/18/2016

Windows Docs Updates

Things are a little quiet here in Windows Doc land, as we prepare for the forthcoming release of the...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 07/12/2016

Windows Docs Updates

As well as regular API reference updates, this week's highlights include: Brokered Windows Runtime...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 06/28/2016

Windows Docs Updates

Updates from the Windows 10 Docs team this past week include: API reference updates Updated...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 06/20/2016

One Dev Minute: Use the Desktop Bridge to bring your apps to UWP

The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is the modern way to write apps for Windows, and run them on...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 06/16/2016

One Dev Minute: Setting Up Your Holographic Development Environment

Interested in writing HoloLens apps? This short video explains how to go about setting up your...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 06/15/2016

Windows Docs Updates

Highlights from this weeks doc updates: Using new Windows 10 APIs: Version adaptive code: Use new...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 06/14/2016

One Dev Minute: Why Are There 4 Functions for Converting Strings to GUIDs?

Raymond Chen the question on multiple GUID APIs. I think it's safe to say that is the kind of...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 06/14/2016

Windows Docs Updates

Some hightlights: Update of Store pages including four new spotlight items, and blog section....

Author: grantmestrength Date: 06/07/2016

One Dev Minute: Family Notes, a Windows UWP Sample

A quick demo of the Family Notes app in action. Download the project from GitHub.

Author: grantmestrength Date: 06/05/2016

Windows Docs Updates

Some highlights:  "Build apps for a global audience" content updated. "Write games for Windows 10"...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 06/02/2016

One Dev Minute: What's new in the May 2016 HoloLens update?

What's new with the latest HoloLens update?

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/31/2016

Return a value from Windows 10 UWP MenuFlyout control

Using the Windows 10 UWP MenuFlyout control, but don't see how to return a value from the selected...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/26/2016

ScratchPad: a Windows Ink sample for Windows 10 UWP

One of the especially interesting features available in the Windows 10 UWP platform is "Windows Ink"...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/26/2016

Data-bind an InkCanvas control

This task snipped enables you use XAML data binding with ink stroke data in an InkCanvas control....

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/20/2016

Windows task snippets

Snippets of ready-to-use code that accomplish small but useful tasks of interest to Universal...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/17/2016

Pop a simple, local toast notification

Eliot Cowley, Content Developer Here is how to create a text-only local toast notification in a...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/16/2016

One Dev Minute: What monitor does a window default to?

Raymond Chen stars in another episode of "Mystery Windows Theater 2000", this week discussing where...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/13/2016

Create animations using XAML

Ivor Berry, Content Developer Here's a quick intro on creating simple animations in XAML, based off...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/12/2016

One Dev Minute: Microsoft HoloLens: The Science Within - Keeping Holograms in Place

The Science of HoloLens video series provides some details on how the Microsoft HoloLens works. This...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/10/2016

Family Notes: A UWP Sample App (Ink, Voice, Face recognition)

Family Notes is a UWP sample app that demonstrates many Windows 10 technologies. Features: Speech...

Author: grantmestrength Date: 05/03/2016