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Creating additional controls for MDT Application


Creating controls for your application deployment is fairly simple.

Step 1:

Create a simple HTML controls with the variable names you would like to use and the values


Step 2:

Remove the character returns , spaces and form this in a single line format


Step 3:

Create a script to drive the installation based on the options entered from the wizard variable.

Initialize the variable in your script


Now, use oEnvironment.Item(“VariableName”) to leverage your newly created wizard variable. ( you can use MDT help “Create new Scripts from a Template”)


Create the application with the above created script to drive the installation


Paste the line from Step 2 to the “Display Name :” section of the application property


Step 4:

Launch the wizard and you will see the controls . When the wizard is processed, all these control names are translated in to MDT Variables ( No Additional coding required ). MDT have the capability to do this and these variables are available until the end of the deployment like any other wizard variables.


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