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Using AutoIT to automate UAG

A common question comes up from people who need to create a complex configuration in UAG, and are looking for a better way to do it instead of manually entering it. For example, creating multiple applications on the UAG portal, rather than going through the application wizard multiple times.

Unfortunately, editing the UAG configuration directly by editing UAG’s EGF file is not supported. However, this can be done rather easily using various GUI automation tools. There are plenty of these, with some being simpler than others. The one I like the most is AutoIT, which allows you to create a keyboard and mouse automation script very easily. It’s also free!

To use AutoIT, you need to first download the script engine and install it on your UAG server. Download it from

AutoIT’s script files are text files with the extension AU3. To use it, simple create such a file, and use the various mouse and keyboard commands. For example, the set below is a partial automation for adding a TSPub application to UAG:

Mouseclick (“”,700,400) Mouseclick (“”,600,620) Mouseclick (“”,345,422) Mouseclick (“”,600,620) Send(“Access”) Mouseclick (“”,600,620) Mouseclick (“”,600,620) Mouseclick (“”,345,260) Send(“c:\temp\apps.tspub”) Mouseclick (“”,600,620)

The geometrics of the screen vary by server, and application, of course, so you’ll have to come up with your coordinates to do these things. One easy way to figure out cursor location is by using a graphic application like PAINT.NET. Take a screenshot, and paste into the app, and then move the mouse to where you want. The program will show the coordinates at the bottom-left of the screen. You can also use , which shows this at the bottom of the screen.