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Importing VMs Utilizing The Hyper-V WMI v2 Namespace

I have had a few folks ask me about importing VM’s though our WMI namespace.  The Hyper-V WMI v2 interfaces introduce a new concept of planned virtual machines, this  allows you to create/import virtual machines and make configuration changes prior to realizing them or converting them to real virtual machines that can be started or are even visible in the UI.

I have two samples below, the first one simply imports a VM and the second renames the VM as part of the import.  You can get more information about the ImportSystemDefinition API at  We also have some additional samples utilizing planned virtual machines in our common sample code at

Importing a VM

#Retrieve the management service
$VmMgmtSvc = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization\v2 `
      -Class Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService

#Import the VM, referencing the VM configuration, snapshot folder
$ImportedSystem_ret = $VmMgmtSvc.ImportSystemDefinition(
    "D:\Demo\Virtual Machines\1B3CDA1D-6FB6-4AAE-8E8D-8BE6BB587BD3.XML",
    $false) #Retaining the VM id

#Retrieve the object referencing the planned VM
$PlannedVM = [WMI]$ImportedSystem_ret.ImportedSystem

#Realize the planned VM

Modifying a VM as part of import

#Retrieve the management service
$VmMgmtSvc = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization\v2 `
      -Class Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService

#Import the VM, referencing the VM configuration, snapshot folder
$ImportedSystem_ret = $VmMgmtSvc.ImportSystemDefinition(
    "D:\Demo\Virtual Machines\1B3CDA1D-6FB6-4AAE-8E8D-8BE6BB587BD3.XML",
    $false) #Retaining the VM id

#Retrieve the object referencing the planned VM
$PlannedVM = [WMi]$ImportedSystem_ret.ImportedSystem

#Retrieve the setting data for the planned VM
$VmSetData = ($PlannedVM.GetRelated("Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData", `
      "Msvm_SettingsDefineState", `
      $null, `
      $null, `
      "SettingData", `
      "ManagedElement", `
      $false, $null) | % {$_})

#Modify the name of the VM
$VmSetData.ElementName = "NewVMName"

#Realize the planned VM
